Back pain…it is an energy vampire. Having health and fitness requires a back that is conditioned to accept movement, load, and life. The large majority of adults will experience back pain sometime in their life. For some people their pain becomes chronic. It starts to greatly effect what they can do both inside and outside the gym.
Luckily, a great deal of time and research has been done on the biomechanics of back pain. I find that when clients learn the reason why their back hurts and what causes their pain everything changes. The thought of their pain mysteriously “coming and going” is replaced with an understanding of pain triggers and how to avoid them. In this video a client talks about modifications we made outside of the gym so she could get out of her back pain woes and start working out again. Building strength and fitness on top of a happy back has changed her life!
If you need help with your back and how to navigate fitness with back issues, contact Jason Cornish, Medical Fitness Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Health Coach in Auburn, AL today at 402-521-0314 or email at