Thumb Pain

Eightfold Fitness Client Story of the Month: Nancy Golson

In the following video Nancy shares her story about how she overcame joint pain that was stealing her quality of life. She had multiple areas of troubled joints including her low back, neck, knees, fingers and thumbs. On top of all this, she also is troubled by restless leg syndrome. Once a proud gardener, she was starting to find it impossible to do what she loved.

How is she doing now? Find out by watching this video.

When people are in chronic joint pain, they tend to give up on working out and become more sedentary. This creates of cycle of less movement and more pain. Exercise (done correctly and with progression) can break this cycle and gives people back their freedom. Watch what she can do now!

Nancy has come a long way from being a chronically pained individual to being able to do well during non-stop workouts. These workouts help her maintain a non-stop lifestyle (always on the go, with trips and things to do). She found a way out of chronic pain and is now enjoying life and retirement.

Great job Nancy!

Are you ready to get out of pain and get moving? Contact Jason Cornish, Medical Fitness Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Health Coach at Eightfold Fitness in Auburn, AL today at 402-521-0314 or email at