Meet Bets Golden
Here is Bets doing a front plank with a weight on her back. She could not have done this when we first met!
When I first met Bets, she was eager to get heathier and fit. She was one of the first people that signed up for my Real Age Reduction class….she was ready to reduce her biological age! I was thrilled to see her eagerness and enthusiasm. However, I could tell right away that something was off with her energy levels.
Once we got to know each other, she fully explained what was going on with her health. She had been suffering for years from mysterious gut issues and was very lost in how to get back to health. Western medicine is just not very capable in healing chronic gut issues.
All health starts in the gut. In other words, if you don’t have good digestion, you can’t have good health. Bet’s gut issues led her to have low energy, low health, and malnutrition. One of her main goals with training was to put on muscle. This is very difficult to achieve for someone who has autoimmune issues and is underweight. All in all, Bets suffered from chronic low back pain, chronic knee pain and loss of cartilage, posture problems, hand and wrist problems, and neck issues. In addition, she eventually got diagnosed with IBD (irritable bowl disease), IBS (irritable bowl syndrome), SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth), and pancreatic insufficiency.
For her musculoskeletal problems, I used my approach of building strength and health with injuries present: through corrective exercises and staying under the threshold of pain. As I often say, you can’t heal if you keep “picking the scab”. Bets’ back pain is now stable and is only a minor bother after things like yard work and pulling weeds. Her knees are stable (i.e., not getting worse) and we have found many ways to work around her mobility intolerances. As muscles have been built up, her posture has improved and her hands bother her most with kitchen work. If she did not make the effort to build her body up, she would likely be very stooped over and possibly have multiple joints replaced by now. To date, no surgeries have been needed.
For her other conditions I put on my health coaching hat and helped her navigate diet, supplements, and getting to several doctors that could help her out. It took a lot of time and hard work but after years of trying her efforts paid off. It was a big journey. For diets she tried low FODMAPs, keto, paleo autoimmune protocol, the Plant Paradox diet, and more! Road trip anyone? Bets traveled to the Mayo Clinic, Elements Natural Medicine, consulted the SIBO clinic in Portland Oregon, she consulted with Steven Sandberg-Lewis, Dr. Cynthia Rudert, Dr. Daniel Amen’s clinic, and more. It was all worth it. Bets’ gut issues are resolved about 90%. One major area this changed is that she can now eat about 20-30 foods instead of the same old 4-6 foods every day. This is great victory and only people who have gone through the experience of food being harmful can appreciate this gain. It was very rewarding to help guide her through this process as a health coach. I kept her moving and motivated to keep finding more pieces of the puzzle.
Journeys back to health are not always straight and easy. I couple years into training Bets got hit by a condition called ascites. This is when fluid builds up in the abdominal cavity. It makes a person look like they are pregnant. This condition is typically caused by liver problems. If diuretics don’t work (and the liver starts working harder), this is a fatal condition. In good faith, Bets went to get the standard diuretic treatment, but it didn’t work. Instead, they started drawing the fluids out with needles but this did not treat the underlying cause. The fluid accumulation continued. Bets was stuck in this limbo for weeks and the local hospital had no idea what to do. Luckily, her son had a friend who became a doctor. This doctor friend just so happened to have experience with this condition and he knew a great treatment for it. His treatment approach was based on building a healthier liver. This was done by giving the liver its favorite food: choline. Eggs are very high in choline. Therefore, Bet was put on a diet of 10 eggs a day for months to save her life. It worked! Her health was restored and she entered a new season of health.
A storm showed up in Bet’s life again in the form of cancer. It was hard to believe that she had another life-threatening issue to overcome. Really!? After all she has been through….now cancer. Luckily with the support of both a holistic physician AND a holistic cancer center she did very well with her various treatments for cancer. With the best of both Western and Eastern Medicine (supplements, herbs, etc.) she did well. Throughout this whole process she barely missed a strength training session and she committed to walking daily. Bets firmly believes this profound truth: exercise is medicine.
Here is Bets working out during the Real Age Reduction Class.
With all the hardships that Bets has faced, she is still showing up in life. Many people settle in with a grave diagnosis and give up, but not this lady! She is so eager to live life. Yes, she has been in the pit of despair. Yes, she has had long seasons of doubt and trouble. Bets is many things, but one thing she is for sure is a survivor. Despite all her past and current troubles and challenges she still shows up ready to build her body up instead of giving into atrophy. Bets is still fighting. You can catch her in action every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during my Real Age Reduction Class.
Find out more about Real Age Reduction here:
Are you ready to get out of a rut and get moving? Contact Jason Cornish, Medical Fitness Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Health Coach at Eightfold Fitness in Auburn, AL today at 402-521-0314 or email at