On October 15th, early in the morning John Hand’s story on Earth came to an end. This is a tribute to a life well lived despite many health challenges. We can all learn from story’s like this.
John trying his best to master rope slams. This was about the only exercise that eventually got him tired!
I first met John at Health Plus Fitness Center. At the time he was working with several other trainers in order to keep and gain some level of fitness. I knew him primarily because I coached his spouse Roberta in my Real Age Reduction class. After Health Plus closed, I eventually became his trainer.
John was a very tough person. He was able to endure about anything I put him through training-wise. I am not sure he believed me, but he had a much greater work capacity than some of my teenage clients (he truly did)! His hard work paid off. Not only did he maintain his level of fitness, he actually improved! He got stronger, was more able to get up and down from chairs, and increased his ability to move on his walker.
John with Roberta and Mary.
What did John do with his fitness gains? He was able to live a good life. With the help of his wife Roberta, he was able to live a pretty normal life even with a body stricken by multiple sclerosis and other chronic conditions. Beach trips, park visits, restaurants outings, and plenty of live sporting events were all common activities he and Roberta enjoyed.
I will never forget John and Roberta’s drive to stay engaged in life and not let bitterness and despair win. Rest in peace now John Hand. Your pain is over and the fight is done. I hope God has given you a pair of wings to fly and move in health and freedom like never before.