I could not think of a better picture of a Hyperpalatable Food
Why do modern people gain weight? One of the main reasons is that over the past 70 years (and especially in the past 40) food chemists and businesses have come up with ways to make food beyond tasty. Many modern foods have become ULTRA-tasty or you could say Hyperpalatable. Modern foods can taste so good that the human brain and palate is overwhelmed and many can’t stop eating.
Can’t you just have one?……maybe not.
Interesting Questions: How do you feel about having so much of your health, life, and food purchases “controlled” by food chemists and companies that know how to hit your buttons just right? Companies having sway over people’s food choices by hacking their biochemistry has certainly played out to have greater consequence (weight gain, diabetes, early decline in health) than companies using sales tactics to sell their variety of shoes or cars! Knowing this reality is important for people when they want to lose weight and keep it off for good.
Many modern foods retrain your palate and brain. Everything you eat needs to be ultra-tasty. Normal food becomes so boring. This is a recipe for disaster, disease, and early death.
Here is the good news: many people that learn about hyperpalatability are empowered to think about their food choices differently. I have not met anyone who likes to be controlled by companies and manipulated by “tricks” (in this case brain/ palate tricks).
More good news: people can retrain their palate to become normal again. This makes weight loss much easier. In addition, when a person with a retrained palate eats hyperpalatable junk food again, it is often too much for them (they don’t enjoy it as much).
Last and best good news: I love to use healthy hyperpalatability to help clients lose weight. Yes, the same tricks that food chemists use to ensnare lifelong customers can be used, in a healthy way, to enjoy healthy food like never before. For many people, this is the best way to overcome habits and food addiction. Otherwise, will power alone does not tend to win out (90% of weight loss attempts backfire in 2 years time).
Ready to change your food choices and lose weight? Contact Jason Cornish, Medical Fitness Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Health Coach in Auburn, AL today at 402-521-0314 or email at jason.a.cornish@gmail.com.
Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor before you begin any exercise program. The content of this blog is for educational purposes only. You are responsible for the outcomes for the use, misuse, or lack of use of the information presented in this blog.