Neck and upper back pain are a modern plague for many people. The most afflicted groups are chronic users of technology (office workers)! Who would have guessed that not moving very much could cause so many injuries?
Picture of the trapezius muscle in red.
One helpful restorative exercise that I have found for people that spend a significant amount of time on computers is the overhead shrug. What is most interesting about this exercise is that it targets the upper trapezius fibers. These fibers are typically elongated and weak on most people. Why? Because lack of arm usage leads to weakness and poor alignment of the human shoulder girdle. The primary driver of dysfunction is not age or genetics. Environment is the main driver for the large majority of people. This sort of phenomenon also happens to orcas in captivity that have bent over fins.
Pic from
On to the exercise.
The overhead shrug will target the upper trapezius. In addition, it is the opposite action of being seated all day (compression). Overhead shrugs are a great way to elongate the body (decompress).
Are you ready to get your neck and shoulders in balance? Contact Jason Cornish, Medical Fitness Specialist, Personal Trainer, and Health Coach in Auburn, AL today at 402-521-0314 or email at
Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor before you begin any exercise program. The content of this blog is for educational purposes only. You are responsible for the outcomes for the use, misuse, or lack of use of the information presented in this blog.